Signature Albums
A lasting story for generations.
Signature Albums, Custom Framed Portraits, and Gallery Metal Artwork
With every senior art collection, we insist on using the most elaborate, labor-intensive, authentic, and proven methods to create each extraordinary piece, simply because it makes a difference.
All of our products include Master High-End Retouching,
In-Home Installation & a Lifetime Warranty.
Signature Albums
The most sought after product of our seniors and their families, our breathtaking photographic print, gallery lay-flat fine art albums show off the many sides of YOU by showcasing a variety of images, outfits, scenes, interests, and personality traits that the people who love you most know so well.
From the classic favorite of our seniors for over a decade—our signature velvet touch photo cover album—to our luxurious genuine leather album complete with distressed, yet classic detail, spine hubs, and dozens of finish options, our MMSNRS albums continue to tell our seniors’ unique stories with extraordinary detail and unmatched quality.
Enjoy double-weight, hardbound pages, expertly matched with an archival quality handcrafted cover, customized to your preferences and unique images.
See your images in remarkable detail and color range as you explore the beauty of high-end photographic print.
Select from multiple album size and finish selections, as we walk you through our recommended options for your exact image choices and tastes.
Custom Framing and Gallery Metal Artwork
Excited to add more warmth to their home with custom gallery art pieces, most of our senior families choose a variety of wall art collections for multiple rooms in their home, including both custom framed portraits and metal murals and prints.
Framed Portraits
Our wide selection of solid wood, handcrafted frame mouldings adds character and dimension to each portrait in the home while creating a seamless flow from your existing decor to your new framed artwork. Our custom framed fine art pieces are a favorite for more formal living spaces in the home, although some of our senior families have also selected framed groupings and prints for their informal rooms. Topping the list of favorites is our fine art triptych, a series of three framed portraits, often with the middle art piece as the largest in the collection, flanked by two framed prints of equal size.
Enjoy the craftsmanship of solid wood mouldings, ranging in style from traditional to modern.
Choose from our ever-growing collection of custom frames so you can be confident that your selections will coordinate beautifully with your portrait choices and your home’s distinct look and feel.
Customize your frame choices even further with the option of frame stacking.
Preview how your selections will look—to scale—in the spaces you envision for them. This feature of ordering sessions is a fun and helpful favorite of all seniors and their families!
Fine Art Metal Murals and Gallery Metal Prints
Our metal murals and gallery metal prints show off eye-catching color and luminous detail in a way that energizes the senses, and most senior families enjoy these in their nontraditional, less formal living spaces. Sports images are a crowd favorite for metal murals, which feature multiple images in a wall grouping, made up of individual prints that hang together in a closely arranged modern wall art feature.
See your images in the widest gamut of vivid colors and fine, crisp detail with the unequaled life-like quality and depth of field of the industry’s leading metal prints.
Rest in the confidence that your metal prints will significantly outlast all paper prints, knowing your art will be enjoyed just as much by future generations as it is by you and your family.
Show off a variety of images with a unique wall grouping of fine art metals to create a mural that fits your personality, style, and wall spaces.
Select from multiple side finish options, from our most popular float mount feature to the more formal look of framed metals.
Enjoy seeing your images on our large screen as we reveal how your fine art metal selections will look—to scale—on the walls you choose for them.